If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

Frost Funeral Home certainly appreciates the great acts of courage that have been shown by all of our Veterans in this country. That is why we have developed this section to offer Veterans and their families a guideline of burial benefits and services that may be available to them.
Our staff can assist you and your family in obtaining Military Funeral Honors for the service of your loved one if eligible. The only item needed is a DD-214 showing the discharge of the Veteran and our staff will handle the details of the service for you.

There are four benefits of making your end-of-life decisions ahead of time.
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs offers a complete list of these benefits and our local Veterans Service Department can be reached at (276) 466-2212. In order to view a complete list of Veterans benefits, please click on the United States Department of Veteran Affairs link above.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applicant, a Government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible Veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death. We here at the Frost Funeral Home believe in honoring and respecting our Veterans and can assist you in ordering a marker for your loved one.
Flat markers in granite, marble, and bronze, and upright headstones in granite and marble are available. Bronze markers do require a granite base which may be purchased through our funeral home. Sometimes a family may wish to match an existing spouse's marker, however these markers may contain terms of endearment such as "Loving husband, father and friend" or etc. We are able to duplicate these markers through a bronze distributor for a nominal fee. The style chosen must be permitted by the officials in charge of the private cemetery where it will be placed. Perpetual care cemeteries sometimes charge an installation fee for a V.A. Marker. These fees should be arranged and handled between you and your cemetery of choice.

Whether you're making funeral arrangements for a loved one or pre-planning your own funeral, this section explains traditional services and all of the available options.
This is often called a viewing or a wake. Guests come to pay their respects to the deceased by viewing their casketed body and spending time with the grieving family. A visitation can occur at any time before the funeral service.
This event commonly takes place at the funeral home, a church, or at the graveside. It can include music, the reading of literary or religious passages, a eulogy, prayer, and the singing of hymns.
If the family plans to bury the deceased, this stage involves the vehicle procession to the cemetery. Here at Frost Funeral Home, we have the deepest respect for the traditional burial practice.
There are many things to consider when deciding to bury a recently-deceased loved one, or while selecting burial during funeral pre-arrangements. One of the first decisions you'll need to make involves choosing both the cemetery and the specific place of burial within its grounds. You'll then need to select a casket and possibly a burial vault, as many modern cemeteries require their use. At some point, and this does not have to take place right away, the decision becomes one of selecting the headstone or marker and writing the inscription. A member of our professional staff will be available should you wish to have assistance in making each of these decisions.
We offer a number of affordable burial service options. They range from: simple burials where only a member of our staff oversees the interment; simple graveside services led by a minister or celebrant; and a traditional funeral service followed by burial. Each can be tailored to meet the needs and expectations of today's price-conscious families.
Many choose to host this post-service gathering (or repast) at a reception hall. This is considered a time to share memories, laughter, and support.
A funeral service, whether traditional or more modern (memorial service or celebration-of-life), has two functions: to acknowledge the death and lifetime achievements of an individual and to bring grieving family members and friends together in support of one another during this difficult time.
If you are interested in making funeral arrangements for a loved one, we invite you to call us at (276) 628-2131 to begin.

When considering cremation, today's families are concerned with many complex issues: how cremation affects the environment (especially when compared to traditional burial), personal finances, and faith being amongst the top three. If you, or a family member, are curious about cremation or wondering if cremation is the right option for your situation, we invite you to connect with us by calling (276) 628-2131.
Our dedicated staff will take care of all details, including prompt filing of required permits and notifications. Accurate completion of these essential documents not only ensures their acceptance by local or state agencies; it guarantees your loved one's cremation will not be delayed.
Your loved one will be attended to by certified crematory operators; each of whom has been trained to provide both compassionate care for the deceased, and conscientious attention to detail throughout the cremation process.
We know it's important for the families we serve to know their loved one will be coming home as soon as possible. That's why we promise to notify you as soon as their ashes become available, and safeguard their urn until the time you are ready to receive them.
Our team can also help you plan a fitting memorial service to celebrate the life of the deceased. There are many advantages to taking some time to remember the life lived, share stories and laugh about all of the memories. We can help you plan a memorial service with or without the cremation urn present, at our facility, or in a place of your choosing.
We've had years of experience serving many families, so we understand and respect your decisions. Not only that, we will take all the time you may need to make an informed decision. We encourage you to contact us to discuss the cremation services we offer and to explore cremation costs. We are here to help you make an informed decision.
Contact us today to ask any questions you may have.

Our experience has shown us that many of today's families want more than a traditional funeral. This can be done by bringing more of the personality and lifestyle of the deceased into the arrangements.
By displaying photographs or staging the event around a favorite pastime, a memorial service can become more personal and meaningful.
We're here to advise, assist, and guide you. Please call us at (276) 628-2131 to learn the details of our memorial service planning process. We will spend the time to help create a fitting memorial service for your loved one.
Unlike a traditional funeral, a memorial service is a gathering where a casket is not present (although the urn with the cremated remains may be on display). A memorial service can be held weeks or even months after the death. A memorial service can be held in a church, the funeral home or a community hall, or somewhere of importance to the deceased and family. There is usually music, selected readings, and a eulogy. Memorial services can be further personalized as a celebration-of-life.

Many families today want a service which celebrates the life of their loved one. We introduce them to the concept of a celebration-of-life, and provide support in designing a celebration-of-life that is as unique as the life of their loved one.
Celebrations-of-life are intended to lift everyone's spirits by focusing on positive memories. If you'd like to learn more about celebrations-of-life, we invite you to read the section below. There you'll discover how our experience in arranging and hosting celebrations-of-life will guide you in the process.
It's really a process of asking and answering questions. Sit down with other family members, at least once, but maybe even more than once; to explore the celebration-of-life ideas which arise from answering these questions:
1. Who will be invited? The number of guests define the where, when, and how of your celebration-of-life. Write down the names of everyone you think would want to be there and then set it aside. You can add new names to the list as you go along.
2. Where, and when, should the event take place? Here's where your imagination is tempered by any scheduling or travel-related issues facing those who will be invited. Be sure to check in with out-of-town relatives and friends about their situation before settling on these critical details.
3. Who will orchestrate or conduct the event? If your loved one was religious, you may opt to have their pastor or church minister perform these tasks. However, many families today hire a non-denominational celebrant to oversee the celebration-of-life.
4. Who wishes to speak at the event? Many times family members or friends will be very direct about their desire to make a short presentation at the celebration-of-life; other times you need to come out and ask folks if they would be willing to publicly share their thoughts and feelings. Either way, you'll want to select those people who have shared a close relationship with the deceased and have something meaningful to contribute.
5. What group activities would be appropriate? We've heard some exciting celebration-of-life ideas over the years. This question involves thinking about what your loved one liked most about their life and gives everyone a remarkable space to share memories, laugh, and even cry together.
6. What food or beverages should be served? What you serve may depend on the theme of your celebration-of-life, or may be based on your loved one's favorite dishes. It's entirely up to you; we've even seen "pot luck" celebrations-of-life where guests actually sign up to bring select foods and beverages.
7. What readings and music should you include? Music is an integral part of life for many people, and a celebration-of-life is the perfect event in which to showcase the meaningful music of your loved one's life. But, if your loved one didn't appreciate music (and lots of folks don’t), it may be more appropriate to read chosen spiritual selections, or excerpts from literature.
8. What details of your loved one's life do you want to share with guests? Not every biographical detail needs to be highlighted; rather you're trying to capture their essence by telling revealing anecdotes or stories. Sometimes you can reveal their character by detailing one short moment in their life experience.
9. What decorations will you have? Many families create a tribute video and use it as the centerpiece of the event. Others choose to use a memory table of photographs and other memorabilia instead.
We know there's a lot to think about. But we urge you to take your time; be thoughtful, and don't hesitate to explore all the celebrations-of-life ideas which arise as part of this experience.
As we've said, we've got the experience which could make planning a celebration-of-life easier for you and your family. Don't hesitate to pick up the phone; call us at (276) 628-2131. Let's talk about your loved one's life; share some stories with us. We're confident that, together, we can come up with the perfect celebration-of-life event to suit your needs and expectations.

We spend a great deal of time thinking about how we can best meet the unique needs of families in Abingdon, VA and surrounding communities. After all, many of today's families simply aren't interested in doing things the same old way; in fact, they're actively looking for specialized funeral-related services.
If that describes your family, then this section of our site is intended just for you. We invite you to review the information found here, relating to the specialty service you're most interested in. Should you discover you have questions about anything you see here, we urge you to call us at (276) 628-2131.
For families who have chosen cremation for a loved one, the next decision involves what to do with the remains. Some choose to keep the cremated remains in their home, have them placed in a columbarium niche at a local cemetery, or scatter the ashes in a meaningful place. Cremation provides families with more time to arrange where and how to scatter the ashes. Should you need advice on how to design a meaningful ceremony, feel free to call us at (276) 628-2131.
There are many ways to bring your loved one's personality into their funeral or memorial service. One way is a highly personalized tribute video, showcasing treasured family photographs and moments. Another is the use of personalized memorial stationery items, such as memorial and service folders, prayer cards, bookmarks, and registry books.
We encourage you to speak with a member of our staff to learn more about our tribute videos and diverse selection of personalized memorial stationery items.

Most of us want to plan ahead, but when it comes to end-of-life planning, many struggle to begin the funeral pre-arrangement process. We're here to help. Click here to learn why it's important, how it works, and exactly what's involved in pre-need funeral planning.